Show Archive

Scroll down to listen to previous shows. To listen live tune in every Friday Night at 7 PM Mountain Time. 

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D. B. Cooper  

The day before thanksgiving a mysterious man boards a plane and is never seen again.  

August 28, 2020 - Listen Again 

Black Eyed Children

Three kids come knocking at your door in the middle of the night, and something seems very off. Would you let them inside? Some people did and bad luck soon followed.  

August 21, 2020 - Listen Again 

Missing 411 

A lot of people visit national parks and forests every year and some never come back. The circumstances of the disappearances are so bizarre even the most rational might turn toward the paranormal.

Friday July  3, 2020  -  Listen Again

Remote Viewing 

A declassified CIA project will make you wonder what paranormal abilities you might have...  

Friday June 26, 2020  -  Listen Again

Declassified Documents 

You won't believe the information that has been sitting in the CIA's and FBI's vault. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act we are able to read through old government secrets. Some will make you laugh while others will shock you. Tune in to learn more. 

Friday June 13, 2020  -  Listen Again

We Are In The Matrix 

Do things seem strange compared to life six months ago?  Join the crowd.  Listen to see if you belong.

Friday June 5, 2020  -  Listen Again

Bio Weapons 

Are we experiencing an out-of-control virus of nature.... or a man made bioweapon?  Listen to see what you think. 

Friday May 22, 2020  -  Listen Again

Missing Time 

What do UFOS, implants, and glitches in the matrix all have in common? Tune in to learn about the missing time phenomenon.

Friday May 15, 2020  -  Listen Again

Open Lines 

This show covers current events with the phone lines open. Tune in to see what others are saying. 

May 8, 2020  -  Listen Again

Earth Cycles 

Has earth been going through 24 thousand year cycles? Why are unconnected ancient cultures all talking about the same thing? Tune in to find out where we are at in the cycle of time. 

May 1, 2020  -  Listen Again

The Great Awakening

Will you be asleep for The Great Awakening?  Maybe you should think about this.

April 24, 2020  -  Listen Again


Is Denver International Airport strange?  The next time you travel through, think about this. 

 April 17, 2020  -  Listen Again

Enfield Haunting 

Is it a poltergeist or hoax?  Maybe it’s both.  Tune in to learn about the famous Enfield haunting. 

April 3, 2020  -  Listen Again

In Other News

While news of the coronavirus is filling the headlines, other stories have been happening in the background. Tune in to find out what other news you have been missing.

March 27, 2020  -  Listen Again

The Power of Mind

Does your mind have the power to affect the world around you? Tune in and find out. 

March 20, 2020 - Listen Again


Prepping is more than just hiding out in your bunker. Tune in and learn what preppers are actually doing. 

March 6, 2020  -  Listen Again

Corona Virus Updates

A caller tracks the numbers while listeners give advice on how to prepare for a virus outbreak. 

February 28, 2020 - Listen Again

Simulation Theory  

Is there a chance we are living in a simulation? Why does Elon Musk say it is a billion to one chance we are in a base reality? 

February 10, 2020 - Listen Again 

Travis Walton

Something wierd happened the night of November 5, 1975. Tune in to learn about the fire in the sky.

 February 7, 2020 - Listen Again

Corona Virus  

Are we doomed? What has the internet been buzzing about? 

February 3, 2020 - Listen Again 

Virus Interview 

The creepiest things are the ones we can not see. Tune in to learn about the viruses that could change the world. 

 January 31, 2020 - Listen Again

Agenda 21 Parts 1 - 4

Lets talk about the conspiracy theory of the 90s! 

January 27, 2020 - Part 4
January 20, 2020 - Part 3
January 13, 2020 - Part 2 
January 06, 2020 - Part 1

The Mothman

Something is haunting the town of Point Pleasent, West Virgina. If everyone is seeing the same thing, does that make it real?

 January 24, 2020 - Listen Again

Time Acceleration

Is time moving faster? Tune in and learn about the theories behind why time seems to be accelerating. 

 January 17, 2020  -  Listen Again

2020 Predictions 

What's coming in the year ahead? Tune in and find out what is predicted for the year 2020. 

 January 3, 2020 - Listen Again

The PK Man

A man claims to have psycho-kenetic powers.  Strange things happen when he wills it to happen.

 June 29, 2019  -  Listen Again

Malaysia Flight 370

The disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370 has left many scratching their heads, asking what happened.

 June 7, 2019 - Listen Again

Strange Antarctica

With such an unexplored area a lot of theories have come out about it. To talk more about this topic tune into the live show this Friday.

 May 10, 2019  -  Listen Again